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Do you Truly Know God?

By Pastor Dan | November 15, 2020 | Comments Off on Do you Truly Know God?
Do you Truly Know God?

The message for Nov. 15, 2020, is, “Do you Truly Know God?” based on the Gospel of Matthew 25:14-30. Oftentimes we have a misconception about God. We think God is a harsh and demanding God, always expecting us to be perfect. In this message, Pastor Dan explain how Jesus reveals a different kind of God…

To be Wise is to Trust in Him

By Pastor Dan | November 10, 2020 | Comments Off on To be Wise is to Trust in Him

This is part one of a series of messages on “The End Times.” Today Jesus gives a warning to those who do not believe in Him and to those who believe He gives a promise. <

Jesus is not Stained by Our Sin

By Pastor Dan | November 1, 2020 | Comments Off on Jesus is not Stained by Our Sin

The message for today is, “Jesus is not Stained by Our Sin” based on the Gospel of Matthew 5:1-12 In this message Pastor Dan shares how we are Saints not by anything that we do or accomplish, but by God did through Jesus on the cross for us. <

2020-10-25 Worship ONLINE: Convinced Of Our Freedom

By Pastor Dan | October 27, 2020 | Comments Off on 2020-10-25 Worship ONLINE: Convinced Of Our Freedom

Today Pastor Dan talks about that Jesus made us free from the bondage of sin. And that means that we are free indeed. <


Listen to our Audio Sermons

Date: September 2, 2018

Title: Out of Our Heart proceeds . . .

Reading: Mark 7:14 – 23

Short bio: People around us can really impact our thinking and poison our thoughts even our lives if we let them.  Even the Devil himself wants to derail Christians and lead them into temptation. However, Jesus teaches that WE are not defiled by outside influences, but from within.  Thoughts that come from an impure heart CAN lead to impure actions.

Date: August 26, 2018

Title: Not a Lip Service

Reading: Mark 7:1 – 13

Short bio: Jesus is very direct with the Pharisees the other religious rulers when He quotes Isaiah who said that people were worshipping the Lord with their lips and their man-made traditions, but their hearts were far from the Lord.  How does this show up in the Church today? Do we run the risk of offering “lip service”, but is it “heart-less”? Do we run the risk of creating man-made additions/traditions to what the Lord says? Yes, of course! We all are vulnerable to these issues.  Once again, today Jesus calls us unto Himself and the Father through the truth of HIS unaltered pure Word that we might be people who offer true heart-service to the Lord that moves our lips as opposed to offering Him heartless-lip-service driven by man-made traditions!